Evaluating mechanical comfort of ear tips: An experimental-computational approach
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Braun, K., Bouchard-Roy, J., Ghezelbash, F.
Conference: Acoustics Week in Canada 2023
Date: October 3-6, 2023
Statistical shape modeling of the human ear canal for designing hearing protection devices and auditory wearables
Authors: Ghezelbash, F., Braun, K., Bidhendi, A. J., Bouchard-Roy, J.
Conference: Acoustics Week in Canada 2023
Date: October 3-6, 2023
Live fluorescence labeling of the primary plant cell wall polysaccharides
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Chebli, Y., Geitmann, A.
Poster Presentation: Plant Biology 2020 Virtual World Summit
Date: July 27-31, 2020
Live fluorescence visualization of cellulose and pectin in the primary plant cell wall
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Chebli, Y., Geitmann, A.
Oral Presentation: Microscopical Society of Canada Virtual Symposium
Date: June 2-5, 2020
Force, form and function - Morphogenesis and structure of the plant leaf epidermis
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Altartouri, B., Zamil, M., Gosselin, F. P., Geitmann, A.*
Oral Presentation: Comparative Morphogenesis Between Plants and Animals: The Role of Mechanical Signals
Location: Les Treilles, France
Date: February 17-22, 2020
Wavy cell shape design protects the plant leaf epidermis from tear damage
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Altartouri, B., Zamil, M., Gosselin, F. P., Geitmann, A.*
Oral Presentation: 8th International Conference on Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues
Location: Waikoloa Beach, HI, USA
Date: December 15-19, 2019
Wavy cell shapes protect the epidermis from tear damage
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Altartouri, B., Zamil, M., Gosselin, F. P., Geitmann, A.*
Oral Presentation: XV Cell Wall Meeting
Location: Cambridge, UK
Date: July 7-12, 2019
A multi-step morphogenetic process governs pavement cell shaping in the leaf epidermis
Authors: Altartouri, B., Bidhendi, A. J., Suzuki, J., Tani, T., Scarcelli, G., Geitmann, A.*
Poster Presentation: Plant Biology 2019 – Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists
Location: San José, CA, USA
Date: July 2-7, 2019
Spatio-temporal variation in the expansion pattern of the cell wall regulates pavement cell morphogenesis in the leaf epidermis
Authors: Altartouri, B., Bidhendi, A. J.*, Tani, T., Scarcelli, G., Geitmann, A.
Oral Presentation: Botanical Microscopy Meeting
Location: Oxford Brookes University, UK
Date: April 14-18, 2019
Damage control by geometry – fracture toughness of plant tissues determined by the cell shape
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Altartouri, B., Zamil, M., Gosselin, F. P., Geitmann, A.*
Oral Presentation: 9th International Plant Biomechanics Conference
Location: Montreal, Canada
Date: August 9-14, 2018
The expansion pattern of Arabidopsis pavement cells is determined by the mechanical properties of the cell wall
Authors: Altartouri, B., Bidhendi, A. J.*, Tani, T., Scarcelli, G., Geitmann, A.
Poster Presentation: Plant Biology 2018
Location: Montreal, Canada
Date: July 14-18, 2018
Tear resistance of plant tissues: how cell geometry in the leaf epidermis affects the failure pattern upon mechanical stress
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Altartouri, B., Zamil, M., Gosselin, F. P., Geitmann, A.*
Oral Presentation: Plant Biology 2018
Location: Montreal, Canada
Date: July 14-18, 2018
Complex cellular morphogenesis in Arabidopsis is controlled by a two-step, feedback-controlled mechanism
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J., Altartouri, B., Geitmann, A.*
Oral Presentation: Cell Wall Research Conference
Location: Asilomar, CA, USA
Date: June 18-22, 2018
The expansion pattern of Arabidopsis pavement cells is determined by the mechanical properties of the cell wall
Authors: Altartouri, B.*, Bidhendi, A. J., Tani, T., Scarcelli, G., Geitmann, A.
Oral Presentation: Eastern Regional Meeting of the Canadian Society of Plant Biologists
Location: Montreal, Canada
Date: November 24-25, 2017
Effect of cell shape and growth orientation on mechanics of the epidermis
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Altartouri, B., Zamil, M., Geitmann, A.
Oral Presentation: Eastern Regional Meeting of the Canadian Society of Plant Biologists
Location: Montreal, Canada
Date: November 24-25, 2017
Mechanics of complex cell shape formation in plants
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J., Altartouri, B., Geitmann, A.*
Oral Presentation: Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Plant Biologists
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Date: July 4-7, 2017
Effect of cell shape on mechanics of the epidermis
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Geitmann, A.
Oral Presentation: Annual Meeting of the Microscopical Society of Canada
Location: Montreal, Canada
Date: May 9-12, 2017
Mechanics and imaging of fungal spore wall
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Geitmann, A.
Oral Presentation: Multiscale Modeling of Cell Wall Mechanics and Growth in Walled Cells Workshop
Location: Banff International Research Center
Date: October 18-23, 2015
Morphogenesis of jigsaw-puzzle shaped leaf pavement cells
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Altartouri, B., Geitmann, A.
Oral Presentation: Joint Meeting of the Botanical Society of America and Plant Canada
Location: Edmonton, Canada
Date: July 26-30, 2015
Morphogenesis of complex cell shapes: cellulose controls cellular expansion
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J., Altartouri, B., Geitmann, A.*
Oral Presentation: Gordon Research Conference on Plant Cell Walls
Location: Waltham, MA, USA
Date: July 12-17, 2015
Mechanics of wavy shape formation in pavement cells
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Geitmann, A.
Oral Presentation: 42nd Annual Meeting of Microscopical Society of Canada
Location: Hamilton, Canada
Date: May 26-29, 2015
Mechanics of interdigitating morphogenesis in leaf pavement cells
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Geitmann, A.
Oral Presentation: Montreal Plant Meeting
Location: Montreal, Canada
Date: November 15, 2014
Mechanics of fungal spore wall
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Arpin, P., Geitmann, A.
Oral Presentation: EMBO Practical Course on Multilevel Modelling of Morphogenesis
Location: Norwich Research Park, John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK
Date: July 14-26, 2013
Importance of split-lines of cartilage and collagen fibrils in the pericellular matrix on cell deformations in a knee joint
Authors: Tanska, P.*, Bidhendi, A. J., Mononen, M., Korhonen, R. K.
Oral Presentation: 11th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
Location: Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Date: April 3-7, 2013
Biochemical and biomechanical properties of fungal spore walls
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Arpin, P., Roy-Arcand, L., Geitmann, A.
Oral Presentation: 7th Plant Biomechanics International Conference
Location: Clermont-Ferrand, France
Date: August 20-24, 2012
A 3D multiscale model of chondrocyte deformation in knee joint loading
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Korhonen, R. K.
Oral Presentation: 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2012)
Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Date: July 8-13, 2012
A finite element study of micropipette aspiration of single cells: effect of compressibility
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Korhonen, R. K.
Poster Presentation: International Society of Biomechanics Congress 2011
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Date: July 3-7, 2011
An optimization-based material parameters identification for a biphasic viscoelastic model of chondrocytes in micropipette aspiration experiment
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Khalilian, V., Navidbakhsh, M.
Oral Presentation: Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2009
Location: Tehran, Iran
Date: December 29-30, 2009
Finite element model of micropipette aspiration of the stem cell with an Arruda-Boyce (Eight-Chain) material model and material parameters identification
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Navidbakhsh, M.
Oral Presentation: Student Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2009
Location: Azad University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Date: November 3, 2009
Mechanical models for biological cells
Authors: Bidhendi, A. J.*, Parnianpour, M.
Oral Presentation: Seminar on Topics in Biomedical Engineering
Location: Sharif University, Tehran, Iran
Date: March 12, 2007