
Articles in Refereed Journals

  1. Chebli, Y.*, Bidhendi, A. J. *, Kapoor, K. and Geitmann, A. Cytoskeletal regulation of plant cell wall assembly. Current Biology (accepted, *co-first author). 2021
  2. Heidari, Z., Bidhendi, A. J., Shariati, A., Pae, E. A clinically relevant viscoelastic FEA model of the mandible with Herbst appliance. American Journal of Orthodontics (in press). 2020
  3. Bidhendi, A. J., Chebli, Y. and Geitmann, A. Fluorescence visualization of cellulose and pectin in the primary plant cell wall. Journal of Microscopy, 278, 164-181. 2020
  4. Bidhendi, A. J., Li, H. and Geitmann, A. Modeling the nonlinear elastic behavior of plant epidermis. Botany, 98, 49-64. 2020
  5. Altartouri, B., Bidhendi, A. J., Tani, T., Suzuki, J., Conrad, C., Chebli, Y., Liu, N., Karunakaran, C., Scarcelli, G. and Geitmann, A. Pectin chemistry and cellulose crystallinity govern pavement cell morphogenesis in a multi-step mechanism. Plant Physiology, 181, 127-141. 2019
  6. Bidhendi, A. J., Altartouri, B., Gosselin, F. P. and Geitmann, A. Mechanical stress initiates and sustains the morphogenesis of wavy leaf epidermal cells. Cell Reports, 28, 1237-1250. e1236. 2019
  7. Bidhendi, A. J. and Geitmann, A. Geometrical details matter for mechanical modeling of cell morphogenesis. Developmental Cell, 50, 117-125. e112. 2019
  8. Bidhendi, A. J. and Geitmann, A. Methods to quantify primary plant cell wall mechanics. Journal of Experimental Botany, 70, 3615-3648. 2019
  9. Bidhendi, A. J. and Geitmann, A. Finite element modeling of shape changes in plant cells. Plant Physiology, 176, 41-56. 2018
  10. Bidhendi, A. J. and Geitmann, A. Relating the mechanics of the primary plant cell wall to morphogenesis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 67, 449-461. 2016
  11. Bidhendi, A. J. and Korhonen, R. K. A finite element study of micropipette aspiration of single cells: effect of compressibility. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. 2012

Chapters in Edited Books

  1. Bidhendi, A. J., Ben Malek, R., Sachan, A., Kumar, V. and Banwarth-Kuhn, M. Mechanochemical modeling of plant organ development using a subcellular element approach. Under review for a book chapter by Lorentz Center, Netherlands. 2020
  2. Bidhendi, A. J., Zamil, MS. and Geitmann, A. Assembly of a simple scalable device for micromechanical testing of plant tissues. In: Methods in Cell Biology, 160, 327-348. 2020
  3. Bidhendi, A. J. and Geitmann, A. Tensile testing of primary plant cells and tissues. In: Geitmann A, Gril J, eds. Plant Biomechanics. Cham: Springer 321-347.

Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

  1. Bidhendi, A. J., Chebli, Y. and Geitmann, A. Live imaging of cellulose and pectin in walls of growing plant cells. Bulletin of the Microscopical Society of Canada (In press). 2020
  2. Bidhendi, A. J., Altartouri, B. and Geitmann, A. Mechanics of interdigitating morphogenesis in pavement cells. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 21, 201-202. 2015

Journal Cover Page Photos

  1. Bidhendi, A. J. and Geitmann, A. Bulletin of Microscopical Society of Canada. 2021
  2. Bidhendi, A. J. and Geitmann, A. Botany, 98 (1). 2019
  3. Bidhendi, A. J. and Geitmann, A. Plant Physiology, 181 (1). 2019
  4. Bidhendi, A. J. and Geitmann, A. Cell Reports, 28 (5). 2019
  5. Bidhendi, A. J. and Geitmann, A. Journal of Experimental Botany, 70 (14). 2019